Russ Prather’s work has been exhibited nationally at the Museum of Northwest Art, the Grand Rapids Art Museum, the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Truman State University, Finlandia University, The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, Michigan Technological University, the Chicago Art Department Gallery and Stephen F. Austin State University. He has shown internationally at Yorck Studios in Berlin, Venice International University, John MooresUniversity in Liverpool, and Hong Kong Baptist University. His upcoming group shows include “Strata” at the Duluth Art Institute and “Form 2019” at the CICA Museum in South Korea. He has solo shows upcoming at the Muskegon Museum of Art, Dennos Museum, and other venues.
Prather was born in Edmonton, Alberta to American parents and raised in Calgary. He studied philosophy and animation at the University of British Columbia, literature and writing at the University of Washington. His creative practice has been influenced particularly by his study of the illuminated books of eighteenth century artist and poet William Blake. He teaches British visual and literary culture, modern art and film, at Northern Michigan University in Marquette.